[Overheard on the Web:] Humble advice to you, deer Mr. President!
January 31, 2024

Sir, with all due respect to a [an?] honorable multi-divorced "family man"/fan among mani [sp?] yr achivements [sp?]:
1. First, Sir, and a fundamental question for mass media TV, could you/did you see a barber to get a simple/decent /presentable haircut? (those anti-media Trump misinformations should stop dying/dyeing [see] for your nonxeistent [spelliong?] head hair, you, my admired Mr. Ex-pres.)
2. And, Sir, with all due respect, due [oops - is this a spelling err0or?] something about your neck? It looks as if you're more than a 100 years old ... Pls Look at at your neck, if it doesn't look like 2 much exerhise (sp?) for You to do so ...
3. Master/ Mr. admired Ex-president: Trump == Pls permit the question: Should you follow on-line lose-weight services/advice? With all due respect, you look far "over waight" [sp?] on then [pardon the typos] news media.
4. Maybe get another non-red flashing tie (are you a hidden Commie, you, our devoted Donald? That's what some of 'em left-wingers would dare to say; after all, what you only think about is me=me.) [no wonder, allow me to wonder, you can/could only sleep with (by?) only masterbating yourself?]
5. Allow me, Sir, to suggest: stop master - bating/gesti -culating on stage with directions to nowhere, except yourself? (But at least you don't need to focus your arms while aiming at/admiring your penis).
6. Possibly misuse a microphone as your way of mental/oral masteerbation in public (well, ok, we males do need some sexual relief, even in public)?
Sir -- Have a Nice Day -- Yours truly, a [an?] humble fan of Donald [duck?] /American-style f/asscism. Y [censord]...
By the way, you look very much like the real Duck ...
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