Hell-icopter incessant noise in the Imperial Capital (NW neighborhood)

Sources of noise during helicopter flights. (GAO)
Noise from helicopter flights primarily is generated from the main rotor, engine, and tail rotor, according to the report. The FAA recommends pilots follow its “Fly Neighborly” program which has noise mitigation practices for takeoff and landing, altitudes, routing, and speed and maneuvers. Examples of these practices include minimizing rotor and engine operation while on the ground and flying over major roads, rail lines, or waterways, according to the report.
JB comment:
All day long (yours truly, a 75-year old retiree from the State Department, pretends to work as a writer at home), I hear helicopters flying over my modest apt. in NW Washington incessantly during the working day.
Thus far, I've not been able to determine precisely where this ear-breaking, non-stop hell-icopter racket comes from; but I suspect (and please, am not U.S. anti-military) that this incessant violation of silence (don't we humans/citizens deserve some peace and quiet?) originates from a military installation not that far from where I live.
Needless to say, I have, incessantly, called D.C. "authorities" about the origin of who's responsible for the noise, but the non-answers were incoherent (even when they bother to answer phone calls).
Trying to get an answer to a minor question (where's the noise from?) from a USA DC gov agency is like speaking to a Berlin wall -- after waiting endless minutes on the phone to gain access to whatever information the agency has (or refuses to deal with, perhaps because its employees don't know anything/care about it).
For years, I had the privilege of dedicating my professional life working for our country's interests via the US State Dept. in anti-US communist countries.
Now that am back in the US of A: Pardon me, but I feel I'm back in the USSR.
Here's a Beatles song for you, if you have a sense of humor ... a sense which, allow me to say, I doubt you have (really?) ...
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