[More on the beloved (?) Henry Kissinger]
By Ben Rhodes, "Henry Kissinger, The Hypocrite," The New York Times, Nov 30, 2023; previous Kissinger-related excerpt from NYT posting on this blog at
Mr. Rhodes is a former deputy national security adviser.

Kissinger image from article: Michael Avedon/August
"Henry Kissinger, who died on Wednesday, exemplified the gap between the story that America, the superpower, tells and the way that we can act in the world. At turns opportunistic and reactive, his was a foreign policy enamored with the exercise of power and drained of concern for the human beings left in its wake. Precisely because his America was not the airbrushed version of a city on a hill, he never felt irrelevant: Ideas go in and out of style, but power does not. ..."
Rhodes image (and text about him) from Wikipedia
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